I entered my college years aware that I was choosing a secular school and would be at odds with others around me; however, I was ignorant of just how outspoken the opposing view would be. For the first year of college, I felt alone, like everyone was against me. I was timid and scared to speak out boldly in class, worrying about coming across as judgmental and rude. I needed a balance between just getting my degree and witnessing to those around me. As I struggled to find that balance, I clung to the knowledge that God could use me wherever I went. My college years were not easy. I had to equip myself each day with scripture to defend my faith against my classmates. At times, feeling like I was the only Christian around was lonely, and it felt like it was only up to me to witness to my classmates and professors. It was a challenge going to a secular school, but I wouldn’t change a thing. God used my time in college to strengthen my relationship with Him. I learned how to defend my faith, study the Bible, and trust in God’s plan for my life.
I didn’t go into college prepared to encounter all of these secular ideologies and I certainly did not feel equipped to defend myself. For the first part of college, I was not as outspoken as I would have liked because I felt awkward and not really sure what a defense of my faith would look like. As I studied the Bible and grew more in my faith, I became more confident and able to speak up in class and among friends. In writing this book, I pray to help you navigate the spiritual battleground of the college campus and provide you with practical ways to share and grow your faith in college. College is no breeze, especially when you have a Biblical worldview on a secular campus. But there is good news—you’re not alone! God is with you every step of the way, going before you and working out all things for the good. College is the time to get close to God, fall in love with studying the Bible, and trust His plan for your life. This book is just a guide to help you along the way and it is no substitute for reading the Bible and spending time with the Lord, but I pray that it will serve as encouragement as you enter into the excitement of college.